Exploring the enormous Sloan Great Wall Supercluster

The Largest Structure in the Universe that you are referring to is known as the "Sloan Great Wall," and it is a vast supercluster of galaxies located in the constellation Pisces. The supercluster was discovered in 2003 by a team of astronomers using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and it is thought to be the largest known structure in the universe. The supercluster consists of 830 separate galaxies that are contained within four connected galaxy clusters. It stretches across an estimated distance of 1 billion light years and is thought to contain the mass of about 500 trillion suns. The Sloan Great Wall is so large that it takes light billions of years to traverse it, meaning that we are observing it as it was when the universe was much younger. The discovery of the Sloan Great Wall has provided important insights into the structure and evolution of the universe.

Credits: NASA, ESA, Images by Science Photo Library

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

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